There are many methods of introduction. Below is the simple four step process we recommend. Although it doesn't guarantee success, it greatly reduces the chances of failure.
Make up a nucleus
Make up a queenless nucleus colony at least 24hrs before introduction, using 3 frames of brood and 2 frames of food covered with bees. If possible use frames from different hives. Keep the nucleus in the same yard as the parent colonies so the older bees can fly back home.
Re-check the nucleus is queenless
When you are ready to introduce the queen, check the nucleus is definitely queenless. There should be newly started queen cells which need to be removed.
Release the workers from the cage
Partially open the queen cage inside a clear plastic bag. We advise doing this in a car or closed room. Remove the workers from the cage. If the queen comes out first, empty the cage and put her back in alone. Make sure you close the cage again once the queen is inside on her own. The workers should all be in the bag and can be released outside.
Place the queen in the nucleus
Break off the tab at the candy end of the cage and make a small hole through the candy. Go to the nucleus and place the cage, candy end down, at the top of the brood pattern on the middle frame of brood. Feed the nucleus and then close and leave it for a week.
After a week, quickly check the queen has been released and eggs are present. Leave another week before further manipulations.